Click on Order Subscription button.
Subscription order wizard will open.
Subscription - Here you can select the subscription you want to order by clicking on the subscription icon. For more details about the subscription please see Subscriptions and Pricing.
Select subscription and click on NEXT to continue.
Billing Details - Please check the billing details that will be used for invoice. Please remember that these details must be correct and will be verified by our accounting team. Please see also Invoicing and VAT specially in case you want to apply for VAT reverse charge.
Calendar - Please note that:
If you are ordering a new subscription the start date is set on order date. How ever the start date will be adjusted on the activation date when the payment will be received and service activated.
If you are ordering lower subscription than you currently have the earliest start date is end of current subscription.
If you are ordering higher subscription than you currently have you can set any start date and the price will be deducted for remaining subscription fee.
Click on NEXT to continue.Billing Details - Please check the billing details that will be used for invoice. Please see also Invoicing and VAT.
Payment - Here you can select the payment method that you want to use.
Click on NEXT to continue.
Summary - Here you can see the order summary.
Click on FINISH ORDER to order the subscription.
You will receive two email notification. One with order summary and one with payment details.
When the payment is received you will get email notification.
When the subscription is activated the subscription status is changed to active.