LazyPhish App is ready to serve any company from a small startup with one entity to large corporation including groups of companies. Everything can be managed under one account and access can be set for each entity separately.
Organisations Structure Logic
In LazyPhish you can create Organizations that can consist of Entites. Each Organization must have at least one entity which is the case for most companies. Within Entity you can setup user groups e.g. Employees, Management, Accounting etc.
Here is a logical scheme:
Organization can be created in LazyPhish (see Organization Setup and Management). Organization is the company (legally) which is ordering the LazyPhish Services and concluding the contract with LazyCompany s.r.o. Organizations must provide billing details used for invoicing.
Subscriptions of LazyPhish Services can be ordered only for Organization created in LazyPhish App.
Entity is a specific legal entity under one business management/security management.
One Entity: if you are small to medium company with one business as most of our customers you will use only one entity. You can just use the same name for the Entity as you use for the Organization.
Multiple Entities: If you are a corporate company or a holding of a several companies we recommend to set a separate entity for each Legal entity in your group or holding that are running under different management or in different industry. This will enable you to compare the overall status of defense in each entity.
In each entity you can of course split employees in different user groups for more detailed campaign planning.
User Group
User group is a group of users in specific category e.g. Management, Accounting, Service, IT etc. You can use different Testing Phishing Campaign for different groups of users.
For example it make sense only to test employees with permission to approve invoice with Campaign Template that include Campaign Block simulating fake request for invoice approval.
User Groups can be created and managed in Users section in LazyPhish App.
User is employee of your company that will be target for the Testing Phishing Campaign. User is therefore meant as a user of systems and applications of your company.
Users can be created and managed in Users section in LazyPhish App.
User Email
User Email is Email Address of User.
Please do not mix the ideas of entities and user groups.
Entities are used to separate completely different companies or large parts of company where it make sense. You can consult with our support in case of any questions.
User Groups are used to categorise employees in groups like management, accounting, etc. These groups can be used in all entities. This will allow you to compare the the results between same user groups in different entities.
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