LazyPhish Overview

LazyPhish Overview

Left Menu Overview:

When you login to LazyPhish you will be presented with main menu on the left side. The menu contains following items:




Profile Section

  • Account Name - Opens the Account Dashboard and unpack profile submenu.

  • My Account - Opens Account Dashboard where you can edit your account and check your access rights.

  • My Organizations - Opens the list of Organizations that you can manage.

  • Logout - This will log you out of LazyPhish.

Entity Sections (Name of selected entity is in section divider.)

  • Entity Selector - This is a drop down list where you must select the entity which you want to manage.

  • Lazy AI - Opens a LazyAI control center where you can manage the LazyAI Setuo and check its availability and status

  • Reports - Opens an entity overview with aggregated testing results for the whole entity.

  • Employees - Contains all information regarding your employees, employee groups and their management

  • Campaigns - Opens the campaigns section. Here you can check the history of your campaigns, including those that are currently running or scheduled and create a new one.

  • Setup - This is an overview of all settings related to your entity - employees, domain validation, whitelisting and blocks customization.

  • Campaign Blocks - Opens a list of template blocks available for your campaign. You also have the option to send yourself a sample email/SMS.

  • Campaign Templates - Opens a Campaign Templates section. Here you can check your campaign templates in detail and create a new one.

  • Training - Contains a list of Training content available.

  • Help and Support - This opens up the Help and Support section. Here you can find links to user documentation, status page and help desk.

LazyPhish Basic Process Flow

Here is the basic process flow of how to work with LazyPhish when you are starting. This flow include links to particular guides to help you on the road to star your first campaign.

  1. Register to LazyPhish App
    First thing you need to do is register to LazyPhish App. Please check this guide: Registration to LazyPhish.

  2. Create Organization
    When you have finished your registration you can now create your Organization.

    1. If you want to create new Orgaization please follow this guide: https://lazycompany.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LPS/pages/91521025/Organization+Setup+and+Management#How-to-create-Organization.

    2. If your Organization was already created by another member of your Organization you may have the access rights to your organization already assigned or you can request it from your colleague. Please check with your IT Security Team. You can check the access currently assigned in My Profile Section.

  3. Order Subscription
    When you are responsible for management of Organization you must order a subscription before you can start any testing. Please follow this guide: Subscription Order

  4. Create Entity
    If you have active subscription you can now create Entity. Please follow this guide: Organization Setup and Management | How to Create Entity. Please be sure to check the entire article so you will understand correctly what is entity and how to structure your Organization. You can also check: Organisational Structure.

  5. Upload Users
    When you have your Entity ready you should start with upload of user list or employee list. Users can be uploaded in .CSV format and you can also predefined in which user groups they should be added. Plese follow this guide: Employee Management | How to add Users in bulk to multiple User Groups or Employee Management | How to add Users to specific User Group. Please be sure to check Technical Parameters | Importing Users for .CSV file structure.

  6. Validate Domains
    When you upload users the LazyPhish App automatically extract domain names used in emails you uploaded. Before you can use any domain name in emails for testing the domain name must be validated. This validation consist of verification email sent to one email in this domain, that must validate the use of domain for the simulated Phishing testing. Please follow this guide: Domain Management | How to validate Domain. You can found more details here: Domains Validation.

  7. Start Campaign
    Everything is now ready and prepared and you can schedule campaigns. Please follow this guide: Campaign Management | How to create new campaign. Be sure to check all the available settings for campaigns and you understand what you are setting up. Everything is clearly described in the documentation.

  8. Check Results
    When your campaigns are running for some time or already ended you can check the results. For more details see: Campaigns Results

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